You can have free email with your Free hosting account but you cant have free account with your own domain like
[email protected] unless from where you bought your domain they give you that facilities which i never see now a days because of cheap domain name.
anyway :
about Mx record, its define where is your Mailserver
suppose you made your own mailserver and your public ip is
now you will have to tell your domain company to change the MX record to
what does it mean taht : when i will email to your doamin [
[email protected]] , my mailserver will check who is responsible for Dns management for the domain
so from Nameserver it will know Example , is the responsible for the Dns management of this doamin
so it will go to Server and will ask for the domain
then will say well , we have the Dns record, then my mailserver will ask : where is the mail server for, so server will say, according to our record (MX) it at public ip
then my mailserver will go to address and will get your mailserver and will submit myemail to your mailserver
its the theory!!