Question : Configuring a Nortel Passport 4460 Router for Frame Relay over T1

I have a Nortel Passport 4460 to configure for Frame Relay over a T1 Line with the following specs using a CSU/DSU.

WAN IP Address:
and a LAN IP:
Frame Relay LMI Type: ANSI (ANNEX-D), CIR: 512 Kbps, DLCI 221
T1 Configuration:  Line Type esf and Line Coding: b8zs
OSPF Area:  OSPF Router Priority: 0

I have never worked with Nortel products before and my configuration is a total bust.  Please help.

Answer : Configuring a Nortel Passport 4460 Router for Frame Relay over T1

Whoops - looks like config is all cli - not GUI.  And to make matters worse, it's not Passport Switch CLI - it's more like PBX config.  Ackph!
Why are you using a Nortel Passport to do Frame Relay!?!?  This would be comparatively easy on Cisco.  Nortel makes good enterprise and carrier switching stuff, but their routing leaves something to be desired.

Regardless ...

Here's some stuff I pulled from:  Getting Started with Passport 4400 and 6400/7400 Interworking

Here is an example of PANL tunneled through a public frame relay network. The
commands that follow use the variables from this example. When you configure
your PANL, replace the example variables with variables unique to your network

Configuring the Passport 4400 Unit
CLI> def msm profile dnaPrefix "302102100501"
You normally derive the DNA prefix from the link information. For example:
DNIC 3021
RID 02
MID 10
Lp 05
Port 01
CLI> set system administration nodeName "MPA_1"
You do not require a node name, but it is typically included. The node name
appears within the prompt.
MPA_1> delete fr tunnel 149
MPA_1> add fr tunnel 149 21 base 2 dtepanl -1
The third party frame relay network supplies the DLCI number (of 21 in this
MPA_1> define fr line user dlcmipvc 155 ansi
The above command assumes an ANSI frame relay network.
MPA_1> save configuration update
MPA_1> reset system current reset
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