Question : Data restored to a corrupt server partition now Outlook for all users reports "you don't have appropriate permission to perform this action" on Send recive

Long Story short the data partition on a server went corrupt and was restored from a backup, the partition included the users home folders and profiles as they are on roaming profiles. Their data and profiles appear to be synching fine but when they go to send email from Outlook Express which Pops an ISP Server we get "You don't have appropriate permissions to perform this action"

Any ideas on this other than backing up their data and recreating their user profiles?

Answer : Data restored to a corrupt server partition now Outlook for all users reports "you don't have appropriate permission to perform this action" on Send recive

Try checking the properties of the following files:

 outlook.srs, outlook.dat and views.dat-- or they may have a different filename, but there aren't many files in that folder.

 These files are located in:

 c:\document & settings\\application data\microsoft\outlook
please change the path accordingly for roaming profiles
What most likely is the problem is that these files would be read-only and you need to change the setting. This should correct the problem.

if this fails..try renaming the srs file & reopen may create a new srs file & outlook will start functioning
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