Question : Zenworks for Desktops 4 WOL problem
We use ZfD 4 in a Netware 5.1 environment with multiple VLANs.
Our Netware server is in a vlan that starts with network number 162.xxx.xxx.xxx.
Most of our clients are in varying subnets/VLANs: 10.224.64.xxx 10.224.65.xxx 10.224.66.xxx
I am able to wake up Netware clients in the 162.xxx.xxx.xxx VLAN but not any of the others. We use Cisco equipment across the board. Our core switch being the 5509 and all others are the 2900 series switches.
Can anyone provide any insight to how I can start waking up these other clients on our LAN?
Answer : Zenworks for Desktops 4 WOL problem
Dana, This is a pretty common issue with WOL, just enable IP forwarding, set routers to "Activate Directed Broadcast". This will allow the WOL packets to pass through the router to your other VLANs.
Here's a TID from Novell regarding ZFD4 and WOL across subnets if you want further information: http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/10090259.htm