Question : Can't ping a XP pro workstation on Windows Network

I have about 50 Windows XP pro clients (sp2) on my LAN. My domain controllers (primary and alternate) are both Windows 2003 Server.  I can not ping about 10 workstations. Most of the machines I do not have static IP addresses.  It does not matter if I try using the hostname or the ip address.

Pinging mx-nj-base3.musicexpress.local [] with 32 bytes of data:  
 Request timed out.
 Request timed out.
 Request timed out.
 Request timed out.  
 Ping statistics for     Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
Results are the same if I use the IP address;

Any ideas where I might check. Is this a firewall setting on the client, a switch problem... ?

Thanks. -John

Answer : Can't ping a XP pro workstation on Windows Network

ok the name resolution is working so not a problem by name.... It may be a switch problem.  The only way it would be a firewall problem (local machine firewall) is if you are traversing networks things on the same local segment should respond to a ping so anything on 192.168.22.x should respond when queried from 192.168.22.x if it is different than that, then you will have local firewalls preventing it on machines.

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