Question : SNMP Tutorials needed!


     I am trying to figure out SNMP.  Fun.  The concept is fairly obvious, but resources on the net don't seem to define configuration, facilities, MIB elements, etc.

    I am running an AD domain with 10 clients, some Cisco stuff, and a few other devices.  I want to be notified by email when certain things happen or fail.  This is the purpose of SNMP, no?

   I have KIWI Syslog Daemon for starters, but it seems fairly limited or at least I am not having good use.  I can configure the SNMP agent service in MS to route traps to it, but I have no idea what I am doing.  

   Any thoughts, resources, etc. would be helpful.  Free software is my goal, but good software is worth paying for if it is modestly affordable.

   Please note that GENERAL observations are not what I am looking for.  I am looking at defnitive examples and instructions.


Answer : SNMP Tutorials needed!


SNMP provides information about devices and can send traps as srw134 mentioned when something happens within the device.

But sounds like that you are looking to monitor your LAN, so if any device fails i.e. shuts down etc, you can get notified. There are a few network monitoring softwares available, for free on linux, one that i use is, it can monitor various hosts and services and can notify you via email or pager if the device is down. Its a pain to setup though.

Then there is big sister, network monitoring again.

The above should help you in setting up monitoring for your network.

Here are some tutorials to help you understand SNMP

I'm sorry but i dont' use any windows based software for network or snmp since they are costly and there are very high quality open source products available.

Hope this helps.
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