Question : How do I change the IP Address and Range for Internet Connection Sharing ICS in Windows 2000 Professional

  I want to use Internet Connection Sharing on my Windows 2000 Professional machine.  It has two network cards.  The WAN card has an address of  The private nic card address is currently autoassigned.  I want to share the internet connection off of the WAN card to the private nic, preferably using ICS.  The problem is, on the WAN side, there is already a DHCP server of address, which cannot be changed; neither can the WAN address be changed.  If I try to activate ICS, it tells me that:
A LAN connection is already configured  with the IP address that is required for automatic IP addressing.

My two biggest clues are:;en-us;Q230148
Microsoft tells how to change the DHCP host ip address and IP Range in ICS, but only in Windows 98SE or ME.  Registry keys for 2000 are different.
This site tells me how to change the ICS Host IP address in 2000, but when I attempted to try it, it changes the correct adapter's IP address, but it seems that DHCP functions no longer work; ie other machines do not get an IP address.  I have tried changing the default to and; both did not allow DHCP.  I suspect there is another registry value somewhere tied to, but I cannot find it.  Also, the author of the above article notes that one a few machines he has tried, ICS gave his host machine an IP address of  Mine does not.  My machine is Windows 2000 Professional, SP2.

The only way I can change the IP according to the above instructions, by the way, is to disconnect my WAN adapter from its network, let it autoconfigure an ip in such range such as 169.*.*.*, enable ICS, reboot, change the ICS IP, reboot, and reconnect the WAN adapter.  If that's what it takes to setup, I can do that, except the DHCP stops working.

If I could, I would try network bridging the WAN to the internal network and let the internal network get IPs off of the WAN DHCP, except Windows 2000 doesn't support bridging; Windows XP does, though.

I cannot upgrade to XP, as the machine does not have enough performance or disk space for it; neither can I downgrade to 98  I cannot upgrade to Server,as I do not have a license.  As a last resort, I might consider a third party internet proxy program, but only if all other attempts to fix this fail.
This page details how I can setup a NAT, but I would need 2000 Server, which I don't.

There are a lot of pages that say I cannot change the address; however since its possible to do in 98SE, and I've tried it in 2000 with only partial success, I would think it's somehow possible to achieve.

Thank you.

Answer : How do I change the IP Address and Range for Internet Connection Sharing ICS in Windows 2000 Professional

Get a cheap broadband router.  ICS isn't that great.  It "officially" does not support IP block changes, and, as you have seen, it is tricky to work around that.

You can try doing a registry search for the old IP address, if you like.  It is probably a straight ASCII string (though not necessarily a "whole value")
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