Question : Cable Modem, Wireless router and ATA (SPA-2000) - How to connect?

I have a belkin wireless router connected to a cable modem (Rogers). I purchased SPA-2000 ATA and connected it behind (after) the router. I have a computer connected to the router also. The ATA has DHCP enabled and router uses Dynamic type of connection. The ATA controller LED flashes (1 long, 2 short) as it has no connection to the LAN. I do not know how to connect it to the router and have VOIP enabled to ACANAC. Anybody any ideas, please?

Answer : Cable Modem, Wireless router and ATA (SPA-2000) - How to connect?

one catch i've seen with deployment of these ATA's behind other routers is that the ports typically used for SIP (5060 by default) may be blocked by the router, causing one way audio or zero voice. by putting the ATA in front of the router you avoid this. BUT it also means that services running behind the router (port forwarding to a web or game server for example) will have issues because you have to NAT twice and the ATA won't have that setup. Depends on the full setup, but the company i work with now has a voip deployment with these ATA's and they've seen the problem recur with a number of different SoHo routers when you put the ATA behind the router.

also make sure you're connecting to the correct ports, there's a WAN/Internet and a LAN/Ethernet on the ATA that I still confuse. Sad part is that they're color coded and I still mix up the two, it's just one of those things....
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