Question : Linksys desktop wireless G "turbo" adapter won't connect to internet through Belkin F5D7230-4_V4000

The linksys software loaded properly, the wireless router was recognized and the adapter connected with good strength. The GUI interpretation indicates it has connected to the router but can not see the internet. One this same router I have a wired desktop and a wireless laptop that work fine. More data is that the linksys can ping the router, desktop and laptop but neither the laptop or wired desktop can ping the linksys. Security is shut off until network connectivity is established for debug purposes. I compared the connection configuration of the linksys adapter to my working laptop and there are no differences. If I access the router I can see the linksys as a active DHCP client.

Answer : Linksys desktop wireless G "turbo" adapter won't connect to internet through Belkin F5D7230-4_V4000

My mistake on the reboot instructions.   Using my instruction, the message was displayed for a microsecond before the command prompt window closed.    

I should have instructed you as follows:

cmd   ( <--this will open a command prompt an leave the message up that will be displayed by the following command.)
netsh winsock reset

You will be directed to reboot when the command finishes.

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