Question : VPN to NetGear DG384
From everything I've found here and elsewhere it kinda suggests you have to use their ProSAFE software to connect to a DG834..... I have the software on order for one of my customers that needed that facility but it is slow in coming.
I have attempted various IP Security policy entries and the like on an XP machine to connect but it is having none of it .... best I get is "negotiaiting security policy" when PINGing an address the other side of the tunnel.
Various Q's here despite the useless fairly search engine come to the same conclusion, i.e. you can't. But why, isn't this standards base IPSEC VPN. Has no-one done this??
e.g. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Miscellaneous/Q_22022097.html
Am posting just in case someone does KNOW how to get this working, otherwise help yourself to a share of the points for any helpful remarks (I know how to buy, and where to buy the proSAFE software from unless anyone knows of a source that allows purchase and download as opposed to waiting for a CD to come... or someone here is willing to sell me a copy (email address in profile)!)
Answer : VPN to NetGear DG384