Question : VPN without Default Gateway

Okay. This is going to sound funny.
I have installed a vpn router for a client at their remote office.  I have PPTP VPN setup and working fine.
Problem is:  Client devices do not have a gateway setup.  They do have IP address and subnet mask, but no default gateway.
They are unable to access these devices through the VPN. But, when they are in the building and wired in, they can access the devices.
I've tried to explain to them, that tney MUST set a default gateway on these devices.
But, they are relunctant.
So, my question is:  Is it possible to route these devices to my PPTP VPN without the devices having a gateway address?

Answer : VPN without Default Gateway

>Each Vendor has a username / password to the PPTP VPN.  The PPTP VPN assigns these users a static IP address on a non-existent network.  I have setup source route statements that allows each user/static ip to access only their partiucluar equipment.<

The problem here is you're using a non-existent network, therefore it's most likely not going to work since the network that services the routing requests for the main network is not available. I forgot how to do it but in one of my linux classes years ago we setup routes through the ip tables that could translate everything properly. but we still granted access to the network resources. You may just want to request this question be closed and add linux/cisco networking rather than windows networking in the section. Since if the router runs linux and works like a cisco, you'll find all the guru's in those sections that know if it's possible to route that way.

If it were me I'd just add the gateway to the devices and save the headache.
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