Question : ccna 640-802 exam


I was just wondering about teh marking scheme that cisco used in regards to their CCNA 640-802 exam. Basically, an example..If i get a multiple choice question that asks me to choose 3 out of 5 possible answers, and i get 2 right and the 3rd one wrong. Will they give me partial marks for the 2 boxes that I ticked correct or mark treh whole question wrong because I got the 3rd tick box incorrect??

Also how many simulation questions are usually put into the exam?

Any help would be greatly apperciated


Answer : ccna 640-802 exam

Yes, One of my question was somewhat like.

"we have a network with subnet zero enabled, configure the second valid subnet using RIP version 2". This is a fictional question so dont lab on this one. Its just an example on how it looked like. Then you have a console and you are to make the changes needed on the router.
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