Question : No TCP over GPRS, UDP only!

Hi, i have a motorola c350 connected to my laptop via usb cable, it detects it as a modem, i dial up *99# and it connects up fine, however then i cannont use a web brower or anything as i dont seem to have TCP , a can open a UDP connection to the gateway(9201) thats set inside the phone

i get the following settings
ip address
netbios over tcp disabled

now if i bring up my nokia 7210 emulator on the laptop and tell it the GPRS gateway is, the the emulator can go surf wap sites and all that, retereive jpgs and stuff, that all seems to work over UDP

i'm on MTN south africa
i just don't seem to have TCP
, if I use my VODACOM sim , then it works just fine!
any clues?
i have tried using the proxy 80, 8080, 3128(, and none can connect! if  i dial up with a fixed line then the proxies above work, its almost like TCP traffic is DENIED for me!

Answer : No TCP over GPRS, UDP only!

Have you thought about it all being down to DNS? Download accelerator may work with previously added items as it could resolve the names to ip's and that's how it stores incompete downloads. Where's it keep these items? Run filemon and regmon against it to see where it picks up these old items. Have you tried adding a download by IP only, or even using the IE proxy and going to an address by IP not by name. A known site you won't have in your cache (just in case!) is

The fact that you can't get DNS, a standard UDP service suggests it's not just a UDP works, TCP doesn't problem, especially when you add the rest of the anomalies.

Finally, as a programmer with lots of sockets experience you'll know that converting TCP to UDP and back again will require a major app proxy. Could be fun tho :-)

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