Question : Cannot connect with VNC.  Likewise, other machines cannot conect to my machine via VNC

Hello Experts.  Here is my issue.  (I'll get this out of the way - windows firewall is not on)  When trying to connect to a machine via VNC I am receiving this error:  unable to connect to host: An invalid argument was supplied. (10022)  Can anyone help?  It's driving me nuts!  Thanks!

Answer : Cannot connect with VNC.  Likewise, other machines cannot conect to my machine via VNC

It is possible that you are confusing the VNC terms -- they are exactly backward to what a "normal" person would expect.  The server is actually the listener for an incoming connection, and the "listener" is actually the "server" that does the active connecting.  So without arguing terms, if you are trying to connect to anyone, you need to run what they call the "listener" and they run the "server".  Make sure their server is set to accept a connection by default, and they have the ports at 5900 5800 and auto.

Now when you connect to them you type in "computer1" if you are on the lan (use their computer name).  If someone is connecting to you over the net, they need " " i.e. your WAN IP and :0 for the first person on the network running the port settings on "0" -- not auto.  If calling in, the "server" needs to have a fixed IP -- and here is the problem, the router needs to forward ports 5900 and 5800 to a fixed IP number, but if more than 1 person is running VNC, then you need to forward ports 5901 and 5801 to the NEXT person with a fixed IP, and set their server port setting to "1", not "0".
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