Question : what is the different between port and socket and what is theuse and benefit  of each one and socket on what layer is working

what is the different between port and socket and what is the use and benefit  of each one.
and socket on what layer is working


Answer : what is the different between port and socket and what is theuse and benefit  of each one and socket on what layer is working

Different terminology but ostensibly the same thing.

An example, you terminal service over RDP to a Windows 2003 server. It uses the port 3389 to 'listen' for traffic. A 2nd user then also uses RDP to TS to the same server. Both of these users will be contacting the same server IP address on port 3389. The socket manages to differentiate between the two different RDP connection s (user 1 and user 2) so they do not get each others traffic mixed up. A socket is also known as being one end of a network communication channel

In truth these are frequently used interchangably depending on your job.....

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