Question : Remote Web Workplace RWW failing with error 501 not implemented
Remote web workplace is failing remotely but working internally.
RWW works as to be expected internally. Externally I am getting something different.
I browse to the server in IE 6.0, I get the welcome to SBS 2003 page and click on 'remote web workplace' link.
I then get a certificate dialog, to which I choose yes, I want to proceed.
I then get an Error 501/505 - Not implemented or not supported error page in IE.
Any suggestions?
Answer : Remote Web Workplace RWW failing with error 501 not implemented
That's not what you wanted to do... since you really don't need the Certificate Authority installed on an SBS. The SSL certificate is created and installed, and all workstations configured with it when you run the Configure Email and Internet Connection Wizard (CEICW -- which is linked as Connect to the Internet in the Server Management Console > To-Do List)
A visual how-to is here: http://sbsurl.com/ceicw and a full networking overview for SBS is at http://sbsurl.com/msicw
So... if you are using a self-signed certificate, all you need to do is run the CEICW to configure things properly. IE7 will always show that error with a self-signed certificate unless that certificate is installed locally on the remote machine you are connecting from (which is done by clicking on the LOCK icon, viewing the certificate and clicking install).
If you want to use a 3rd party ssl certificate then you can arrange for the CSR through the CEICW and order one from the vendor of your choice. GoDaddy sells ones that work well for this purpose for about $20.00 and you'll find instructions on how to install that here:
Jeff TechSoEasy