Question : Windows System Error - Duplicate Name Exists

I have 20 identicle laptops that I need to load from scratch so I chose to load one completely then use Ghost 2003 to CLONE the drive. The drives fire up in the other laptops just fine but so far all excecpt the original laptop are plagued with the "duplicate name exists on the network" when first connecting to the network.  

When doing an NBTSTAT -n I get:
ComputerName    Type                  Status
GSS1                   <20> Unique      Registered

The other computers all show unique and registered and their names are GSS2, GSS3, GSS4, etc...

                      START DEVMGMT.MSC
  and did find a network adapter that was hidden in each of them. I deleted it and rebooted but still the error exists.

One saving grace is these are going to be field laptops so they won't be running into eachother in the office very often, but my OCD won't let me ignore this error.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Georg Crone
IT Manager

Answer : Windows System Error - Duplicate Name Exists

You need to run ghostwalk to change the SID on the other laptops.
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