Question : WSS 3 'Unable to get global configuration data' error

After upgraded WSS to v3, I receive this error   'Unable to get global configuration data' in my windows 2003 server. I have found the following articles.

You receive the 'Unable to get global configuration data' error ...Describes problem when you try to connect to a SharePoint Web site and you receive the following error message: 'Unable to get global configuration data' - Similar pages

You receive an error message when you run the pre-upgrade scan ...Error message 9. An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint. ... SharePoint.SPException: Unable to get global configuration data. ---> System.Runtime. ...

But I am running Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine not Microsoft SQL server. Ho whow you fix it if it is MSDE?


Answer : WSS 3 'Unable to get global configuration data' error

Might be worth running the BPA first to get a bigger picture
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