We currently defined a HOST file in our client PCs to map the name of our server to its IP address, and defined a HOST file in our server to map our client PCs to their IP addresses, but connection is slow.  Just want to know if there would be a performance difference if this server/IP mapping is defined in a LMHOST file instead.


I would suggest getting name resolution (DNS and maybe WINS) working well before upgrading to a domain.

A domain structure will exacerbate any name resolution issues you have.


I would enable WINS on one of your W2K servers.  Make sure you only use one.

Then configure each client and server with that server as its Primary WINS server.  The WINS Server Primary WINS server should be itself.  

Lets concentrate on the local clients and not worry about the remote sites just yet.  Once you get the process and the technology down then you can add the variable and issues of a WAN link to the mix.  Along the same lines, you'll end up using DNS instead of WINS, but WINS is easier to setup and more likely to work.  You'll get exposure to server based name resolution and you can leverage that experience when you tackle DNS.

After entering the WINS Server IP address on each client and server, enter nbtstat -RR.  That should register the machine name and IP address with the WINS server.

I think you should plan on implementing DHCP, WINS, and DNS on your network.  Once that is stable, then upgrade to a domain . . . maybe.  There are some connectivity issues and such to work out before deciding if that is the way to go.

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