Question : Group Policy Failure

Our Dc is Server2003, SP1 and all workstations are XP, SP2.  We are trying to start using GP and established a policy that was for logon scripts in one site.  Worked well.  Then we setup a GP in the main site with just three drive mappings and a file copy.  Most of the workstations execute this fine. BUT, several workstations don't and on at least one, a single user cannot get the gp updated, others users can.

I have run through every KB article I can find and am confident that DNS, FRS, DFS and all other settings are corect.  But on this workstation the GPO's for this particular user cannot be updated.  In fact, the GPRESULTS indicate a link to a GPO that is not used and does not indicate a link to the GPO that is assigned to that OU and user. In other words, gpupdate /force does not update the gpo on this workstation for that user.

If I run the GP Results wizard indicates the gp infrastructure failed due to the GP Core Failure.  I cannot find anything to fix this.  The user can log on another workstation in the domain and gets the correct GPO and drive mappings.  I can log on to her workstation and I get the correct drive mappings.

I even copied over dfsutil.exe and ran that with the purgemupcache parameter and still the problem exists.  

Any ideas??

dave Admin

Answer : Group Policy Failure

Here is another thought if before you remove her profile.

I know this sound odd, but unplug her pc from the wall for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in and try.

Why I say this is because I push backgrounds through gpo and the gpo /force command sometimes doesn't release renew or change the background and the only way I can get it to is to do an unplug.
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