Question : Reasonable Freeware VPN Server/Client for Home LAN use


I'm currently using the LogMeIn Hamanchi however it's limitation is that it does not support authentication so some machines/folders are inaccessible due to access denied, which would not be an issue were users able to authenticate.  Also there is the privacy issue of Hamanchi using a central server, which although they state does not act as a gateway for data, this cannot be proved.  Although this is less on an issue with a Home LAN than one for business purposes, it is still a concern.

I am looking to link 3 Home LANs on 3 different sites. (via a standard ADSL connection if that makes any difference)

Answer : Reasonable Freeware VPN Server/Client for Home LAN use

LogMeIn has met HIPAA clearance which means they had to prove that their servers worked as gatekeepers and data did not traverse their network.  Not only that they had to go through a slew of other security and privacy testing before getting the stamp.

But if you’re still concerned about privacy and want a VPN solution that is as easy to use as LogMeIn then try SSL Explorer from 3SP.  It’s a SSL VPN solution so just like LogMeIn all the client needs is a Web Browser and SSL access and they’re good to go.  SSL Explorer can be configured to use Active Directory or LDAP for authentication and mapping drives.
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