Question : Static DHCP on a Cisco 821/Linksys

I have a Cisco 821 broadband router (for all intents and purposes the same as a 1700 or 2600 only not modular) that is connected to a larger private network, which is in turn connected to my RR line... ill diagram it for clarity...

Cable Modem (RR) ---> Linksys                  /--- > Cisco ---> My "Sub-LAN"
                                          \--> "Super-LAN"

The Cisco's E0 is a member of the Superlan, and the E1 faces the sublan... Ideally, i would like to have the cisco box take up 2 *static* addresses on the E0 side, one for a DMZ'ed server (exposed to the superlan) and one for overloading everything else... The fun comes in the fact that i need the cisco box to obtain DNS servers from the Linksys, and i need everything behind the cisco (including the DMZ box) to get DNS names from the cisco router...

long story short, i need to be able to use DHCP for the 2 addresses on E0, and the DMZ host on E1, but still have predictable control of their IP's

Answer : Static DHCP on a Cisco 821/Linksys

Some of the newer Linksys routers allow you to asign an IP to a MAC so the DHCP Server allways assigns the same IP to a device, alternately the linksys should function as a DNS Proxy so you could just use Static IPs and use the Linksys internal IP as your DNS server (this may put more load on the linksys though)
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