Question : I want to share internet access but not networking with my tenants.

I'd like to offer internet access to my tenants but don't want them to see my computers or each other's computers. How can limit their access to internet only? Is this what WI-FI is?

Answer : I want to share internet access but not networking with my tenants.


many access point devices support a feature called something like "broadcast ARP packets" which if disabled will prevent wireless client devices from resolving the ip address of other devices connected to the wireless network cell.  I think that this may help you acheive what you want.

A better solution for you might be to implement a wireless hotspot service which will require that your tenants to supply a username and password to access the wireless network.  There are many hotspot services available that will do this job for you - just google for "wireless hotspot router" or similar to find a good selection.

D-Link produce a very good turnkey solution complete with ticket printer for around USD1000.  My preference is Mikrotik routerOS ( that runs on a standard PC hardware for around USD100 plus PC hardware (a plain old PII or PIII system will do the job well), or check out an open source solution by seattle wireless that can do a similar job.

Using one of the router soltware solutions will let you do lots of other neat tricks like isolating your LAN from the wireless network by firewall etc.

Cheers,  Mike.
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