Question : Linksys VLAN and DHCP Problem

Dear All,

I have a Linksys Router (RV082) and Switches (SRW224x), and a DHCP server (Windows Server 2003).  I could like to partition the network with VLANs, and each VLAN is in one separate subnet.  However I have problems to make the clients in VLANs be assigned to an IP corresponding to their VLAN and Subnet.  I knew that VLAN are separating Layer 2 broadcasts (include DHCP), and ip helper address in Cisco router could help.   Is there any body could help to configure the network as specified?   The network topology is follows:

    SRW224x------DHCP server ( [VLAN1]
     |      |______ Client 1 ( [VLAN1]
     |      |______ Cleint 2 ( [VLAN2]
             |______ Client 3 ( [VLAN3]
             |______ Client 4 ( [VLAN2]

Any help are appreciated!


Answer : Linksys VLAN and DHCP Problem

You'll need to replace the RV082 with a layer 3 switch - like this one:

~$375 US.

Netgear FSM7328S

Layer 3 services:
VLAN routing
Port-based routing
RFC 1057, 2453, RIP v1, v2
RFC 2998 DiffServ
RFC 3046 DHCP Relay

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