Question : How to network 2 PCs - broadband modem/router
A friend wants me to help him network his 2 PCs. He wants to do file and print sharing and share an internect connection. This is the first time I've done anything like this and would like a little guidance. Here's what he has: 2 desktop PCs running Windows 98, a DLS modem, and a DSL router. I'm not sure if the DSL modem is using a static IP (if it is the ISP will only give him one) or DHCP. I know that the router will connect to the DSL modem and the 2 PCs will connect to the router. I know how to setup Client for Microsoft Network and the TCP/IP protocol. What else needs to be done? Does the router take care of sharing the internect connection? Please be as explicit as possible. I have read a lot of information from several websites on home networking and nothing quite addresses the exact steps for this.
Answer : How to network 2 PCs - broadband modem/router
this site should set you right up www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/sharing.htm having the router makes things easy set the NIC's on the machines to auto assign in the tcp/ip properties, hook them up to the LAN side of the router, hook the dsl modem to the WAN side of the router, and fire them up. INstall NetBEUI on the machines and you should be all set.