Question : Problem to recieve file from people using router

i am use smc7004abr router.
and had just posted a question on how to recieve file from icq
it works..
but after some testing
i found out that i can only recieve file from some people.
but not all.
especically those that is using router..
can anybody please help?
i tried using msn, irc and icq, all are not working

Answer : Problem to recieve file from people using router

ICQ has had this feature for a while:
Click Connections.
Click the Server tab.
Select the Using Firewall radio box. Make sure you're selecting the Not Using Proxy radio box.
Set the firewall time out to 80 seconds in firewall setting connection.
(then tell your buddy to do the same)

This firm has written this application especially for MSN.
Ports 6891-6900 enable File send,
Port 6901 is for voice communications

Allows Voice, PC to Phone, Messages, and Full File transfer capabilities.

IN TCP 6891 - 6900
IN TCP 1863
IN UDP 1863
IN UDP 5190
IN UDP 6901
IN TCP 6901

Try setting 6891,6900, and 6901 as triggers. Then set the public ports to 1863,5190-6901.
If that does not work, set the incoming ports to 1-64535

If you have a software firewall (XP, Zone Alarm, BlackIce, etc) it can screw these up.

NOTICE!! You are opening a vector of communication that can allow malicious applications onto your machine.
Have up to date virus protection running, have your system patched up and know who you're dealing with!
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