Question : DNS Problem - Microsoft advance server 2000
I have two NIC cards in the back of my server. One NIC card is setup for internal LAN purposes - Has NATTING with the external nic and is the main NIC. The second is setup on external IP addresses. Here is the problem. When both NIC are active. My DNS server gets an error: An Automated Test Query Failed. When go to DNS properties and go to Monitoring and do TEST NOW - I get Failed Simple Query and Failed Recursive Query.
When I turn the 2nd NIC off. Its fine everything gets PASS on the test and everything goes back to being OK..
WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? AM I not setting something up right??? Please help. Clint
Answer : DNS Problem - Microsoft advance server 2000
Are you using the DNS server strictly as a caching server, or is it authoritative for any zones? Also, do as dragon-it recommended and post an IPCONFIG /ALL with both NICs enabled.
P.S. Warez are bad ;-)