Question : DHCP on DC

Hi Guys,
I have a question regarding installing dhcp on a dc. I have read many forums where it is said not to install dhcp on a dc due to security issues. But i found the following on Microsoft's website
"When the DHCP Server service is installed on a domain controller, configuring the DHCP server with the credentials of the dedicated user account will prevent the server from inheriting, and possibly misusing, the power of the domain controller. When installed on a domain controller, the DHCP Server service inherits the security permissions of the domain controller and has the authority to update or delete any DNS record that is registered in a secure Active Directory-integrated zone (this includes records that were securely registered by other computers running Windows 2000 or a Windows Server 2003 operating system, including domain controllers)."
No i am confused, so i can install dhcp on dc if i configure dhcp under dhcp properties to update records with a seperate non admin account?

Answer : DHCP on DC

The reason why its not recommended to install DHCP server on dc is because if someone tries to send spoof packet on network or any unauthorised machine sends spoof packet to dhcp,it can just  flood the server with request & in worse can crash the server.

So,as a security its always install dhcp server on other server because if any attack happens to dhcp server your dc will be safe.

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