Question : Quantum SNAP server and Netware 6
I have a Quantum Snap server which provides 100gb or so of NAS for some of our disk hungry users. I also use it as a jukebox for things like catalogue CD's to be served out to users.
When running Netware 4.11, it worked fine, then we upgraded our Server to Netware 6 and the thing stopped working. Quantum said it was no longer supported and Novell said pretty much the same thing, but we got it up an running again by enabling IPX and a few other bits on the Novell server.
One small glitch though. The users who access the SNAP simply as a CD jukebox, all use the same Username and Password. The drive is mapped from their Novell login script. When the script tries to access the Snap server, it throws up a second login screen and the users log in and get the drive. Since Netware 6 this does not happen unless either myself or one of the other administrators first login on that PC, then log off and let the user log in! If they power on and log in first, they dont get the second login and the login retults window errors with 8884 - None of the Novell knowledge base answers solve the problem. We're on the latest client 4.83 sp2.
Answer : Quantum SNAP server and Netware 6
You have to attach it first, and then map to it. Because it's bindery, just putting the server/volume path in won't make it seamless.
You also have to make sure that all of your users have had their IDs added to the SNAP, because it won't propagate down, AFAIK.
The login script should be something like this:
attach <snapserver>/%LOGIN_NAME% map root n:=<snapserver>/sys:\dir\dir