Question : web forwarding with masking on ilocal ntranet

If I create a DNS record MYSITE can I forward that to a subdirectory under my local web server. It can only be accessed in house on the local network. How is this done with Windows 2000 IIS 5.0?? I'm new to domains and networking. We have 100+ users on the network.

User type in mysite it will forward to the directory

Answer : web forwarding with masking on ilocal ntranet

Hi cseink,

This is fairly straightforward.  You will need to set up a DNS record, then a Virtual Server in IIS that uses host headers.

Create a DNS "A" record for "mysite" in your domain that points to the IP address of your IIS server

Virtual Server
Set up a Virtual Server in IIS by following the instructions;en-us;816576
Point 5c is what you're interested in.
In the Virtual Server properties window, Web Site tab:
Click "Advanced..."
Enter port "80", and in the Host Header box, put the DNS name you created

That'll set up the virtual server for you.  Then you'll just need to set permissions on it and put the content in place :-)

Does that help?
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