Question : New NSS volume seqence?

Linux 10  OES 2 1b
Have 2 blank unused 140 Gb drives.  sdc and sdd

I want to mirror (raid 1) the 2 drives.

I want do EVMS/ NSS for the whole drive.

I want 4 - 30 Gb volumes on the drive.

Don't understand the 'pool' part.

What do I do 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
create raid, create volumes, pools, partitions???

 And what tool(s) do I use.
 NSSmu or iManager or YAST Partitioner

I can do the process but I don't know the order in which to do it.

Answer : New NSS volume seqence?

Firstly you need to create the RAID array. Then you need to partition it, and then you can create an NSS pool. You can then add/remove/manipulate NSS volumes on that pool to your heart's content.
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