I don't need any special records at all right?
Nope, all the special DNS records are created by domain controller
Should I make local A records for mail www ftp servers?
Nope, you don't need to do that locally, it is already done on your external name servers
Should I make any MX record?
Not internally, and looks like it is set properly externally since you can fetch your emails
Should I use server or scope options?
Which options? ftp? www? pop3? smtp? router?
For DHCP, Scope options is sufficient to start your 1st domain, you will need Router, DNS, DNS Domain Name, WINS (If you have it), the rest are optional according to what you will be planning on your network.
Should name server be set to DC?
100% Yes, for domain computers to function properly they will need to have the DC as the DNS server, but make sure the forwarders (or root hints) are set up properly so that your computers can resolve outside addresses as well.
Anything else?
Yes, take the administration account out of IIS, it is as if you're giving everyone on the internet admin access to your web server. Try creating a limited account and set it up instead of the administrator user