Question : Wireless Corporate Guest Access

I need to setup a  WIreless Guest Access Network in my company. I have very little experience with this .
We are using Cisco Aironet APs'.
Questions I have;
What do I use to protect the data from being snooped while in transit, I know WEP is bad, other suggestions? Is there a wireless encryption thats preferred?
Do I broadcast a Guest SSID or create a new one?
Do I run any proxys on it?
ANy ideas for Best Practices??
Thanks for the help

Answer : Wireless Corporate Guest Access

You would want to be using WPA Enterprise Encryption in a business enviroment with a phrase of about 30 characters, not leters so be sure to include $p3(1AL characters as it makes it much more secure..

As far as broadcasting your SSID its easy to detect anyway with programs such as network stumbler, as long as you have a long WPA pass phrase it shouldnt be an issue to broadcast your SSID as even to try and brute force the key would theoretically take years if its long enough.

You could run it via a proxy in order to limit access to particular pages etc.. what would the guest be getting access to on the WLAN, would it be purely for net access?

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