Question : How to use/add virtual hosts/servers on  ISS server.(MS WIN 2003) (multiple domains simultanously hosted on a server)

Hi there - We have been running Apache until now so we are used to the apache way when hosting multiple domains on a server, with the Apache Virtual hosts system.
The question is since we are newbees on ISS - How do you set multiple domains/vrtual hostsup on a ms windows 2003 server with ISS server installed?
The OS is a windows 2003 server Enterprise Edition.

We would apricate very much an answer to how this is done.

Thanx in advance!

Answer : How to use/add virtual hosts/servers on  ISS server.(MS WIN 2003) (multiple domains simultanously hosted on a server)

<How do we add/(configureISS) theese virtual hosts on the iss server?>
<example ->

*In my comments above that is the configurations i gave you --
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