Gotcha. I would suggest trying to use a CA issued cert so you can use the SAN attribute. The SAN is used to add additional names to the same cert when you submit the CSR to the CA.
If you dont' already have a CA set up, for something quick and easy you can look into XCA - free opensource and relatively quick to get going. Make a self-signed root cert for itself and import that into the trusted root store like you did for the self-generated cert before - can use GPO to deploy that. Since the root is trusted, all the certs it issues are trusted too.
Then you can create a CSR, which is a well documented process for most applications, and submit to the CA and add the SAN attribute to it to include the additional names, aliases, ip addresses, whatever you need.
If you already have a windows CA up and running, you may need to enable the SAN attribute on the CA to support that - let me know if you need help with any of that.