Question : Watchguard X5 Router & Bellsouth DSL-on, off, on, off.....
HI anyone, Its been weeks. I have an office network with a W2K Server and 7 workstations. Watchguard X5 firebox router. We have a Bellsouth DSL modem, a replacement only a month old. When internet works, it works lighting-fast. Bellsouth recently upgraded us to the 3MB speed. But just when I badly want to connect to the Internet, I get the dismal "the page cannot be displayed" error. Several times a day! After hours and hours with Watchguard techs and Bellsouth techs, its still an issue!! Has anyone had similar problems? We use a static external IP. Bellsouth techs don't think dropping the speed back to 1MB will solve the problem......
The Watchguard is an expensive VPN router, cost around $300 if I recall, and other similar ones by Sonicwall are just as costly. So I'm very reluctant to dump the thing. Hmmmm, maybe Watchguard will allow me to pay the difference to get a different model....
Answer : Watchguard X5 Router & Bellsouth DSL-on, off, on, off.....
Good to hear rajabhat, FYI straight from the DSL tech handbook: Subject:Interrupters 1)properly wired? missing even 1 filter can cause problems 2)where is modem sitting? EMI from loudspeakers, monitors, anything electric can upset browsing 3)proper power supply? 4)customer using more than 1 900mhz phone? 5) alarm system, door answering system, or electronic monitoring device, House arrest,(ankle bracelet) wired into phone system 6)is there a radio tower, airport, or military installation nearby?