Question : Sharing between 2 pcs on Win Xp pro

I have windows XP pro computers connected by a Dual Speed Hub.
Comp1 has ip & the subnet is
Comp2 has ip & the subnet is , default gateway is set

Both are on same Workgroup “Majesty2” ,they do ping to each other by ip & by comp name without any dataloss.

The problem is the network browsing is terrible & has delay of about 60 sec on opening
Any network file.

There is no firewall installed  on any of PC , neither of them has internet connection.

The WINS is disable , LMHosts is also checked.

Please advise what could be the problem & how to resolve it.

Answer : Sharing between 2 pcs on Win Xp pro


DeadNight has indeed given a lot of tests to do.

The only point I will suggest is that is this is a problem with the hub, just use a cross-over cable and try it like that, you dont have to change any settings for that.

Hope that can help.
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