Question : VOIP HELP

I am looking at setting up a new phone system when An IT guy said I should get a voip system.

The features Im after are a system which can handle different phone call requests. for example. Press number 1 for sales. Press number 2 for support. etc.

Also after business hours change to a different voice message.

I am currently on a windows network running sbs2003.
We have a netgear router for internet and networking.

At the moment I need only one handset, but would like to upgrade to max of 3 in the future.

We only have 1 phone line coming in.

Budget isnt great.

any ideas???

Answer : VOIP HELP

Yes it does. In theory there is nothing stopping you running Linux within Virtual Server but I would not recommend it. Asterisk is a realtime system and you donr want it to have to wait to playback an audio file just because sbs decides it needs to do something. Linux doesnt have the large number of background tasks so it is a far more suitable operating system for running voip applications.

There is asteriskwin32 ( but it is still in early development and support for the telephony cards was only added in the latest version. I would not be comfortable using it in a commercial enviroment. You could always give it a go though and test it for a while before putting it live.
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