Question : Does a Cisco VG200 support name caller ID on inbound external calls?

I'm running Call Manager 6.1.2 on a new server (replaced 12 months ago). We didn't replace the Voice Gateway (Router) at that time. Recently I had a service tech from the installing company tell me that our Cisco VG200 doesn't support Name Caller ID, only Number Caller ID. (We've been getting along with just the number on inbound external calls, but getting the name would be helpful.)

Since this box is past its end of life, I'm happy enough to replace it, but it seems strange to me that Cisco wouldn't support Name Caller ID on an appliance that was manufactured only 6 years ago. Caller ID by name has been around a lot longer than that, hasn't it?

While there is (likely) a simple answer to this question - i.e. yes or no - I'd appreciate any illuminating info on the subject, and on our plan to upgrade our voip's gateway (suggested cisco 2800 series router) in order to get this functionality and to make our hardware more current.


Answer : Does a Cisco VG200 support name caller ID on inbound external calls?

That feature is certainly supported on the 2800 series ISR's, but only in some of the more recent IOS releases, and it has to be explicitly enabled.
You might be able to simply upgrade the IOS on your VG200 if you have enough RAM/Flash
I know that 12.4.15.T supports it.
I'm assuming that you have PRI lines?
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