Question : Clien/Server Setup
I have an external network hard drive; a router; extra computer. What would be the best way to use these to work with 2 more computers? The 2 computers are used 1 by my wife and 1 by me. All 3 computers have windows xp-pro and ps-9. Three computers and external hard drive are plugged into output side of router. I would like it set-up single user or the easiest way possible. All computers have Windows XP-Pro and stand alone Photoshop CS2. I named the computers Mars,Venus and Pluto. The external hard drive is named Netcenter and has lots of capabilities. http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=151 I also have a program called Karen's Replicator, which I have been using to back-up Mars to Venus and Pluto. All pictures are only on Mars. Karen puts a copy on the desktop of Venus (to be run manually) and on the desktop of Pluto (to be run auto every 30 minutes). My plan would be to make my life easier. Maybe something like this: Netcenter,Mars, Venus and Pluto connect to router http://www.smc.com/index.cfm?event=viewProduct&localeCode=EN_USA&cid=1&scid=17&pid=924 ( this link describes SMC700VBR my router is SMC700ABR. But SMC says they are the same); Netcenter and Venus have Photosnop and assigned a workgroup; Mars and Pluto dont have Photoshop, but do have Karen and assigned a different workgroup. Or what about this; Phtoshop on Venus, Netcenter to recieve from Venus and send to Mars and Pluto (neither of which have Photoshop installed)
Answer : Clien/Server Setup
Not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish. the network hard disc, NetCenter would share its space on the network, as a network \\SERVER\SHARENAME share. each machine may then connect to the share(s), and or map a network drive to that disk space.
To provide for backups of all your work, you could have everyine use a certain share on the netcenter, to put all pictures in it, these would be accessable from any other machines. Then you can have one of the other machines take these files and back them up to it's drive, and you may also have thos send to another machine offsite via a connection through the internet, for instance a machine at your home, which takes care of backups to a location safe from fire. i am a stickler for fully automated backups, that are easy to restore in the event of a failure or catastrophy. I believe if people have to be involved in a backup scheme, then it likely wont get done right before the great disaster.
Glad to assist if you need more info