Question : Group Policies
Can someone give me a good breakdown on how to implement Group Policies. I have just installed Active Directory and I want to utilize the group policies. The main things I am trying to accomplish right now are redirecting the My Documents Folder for Certain Individuals. I also have several laptops I would like to manage by disabling the Add/Remove Programs and the Desktop Layout. I have several users who have Administrative rights for certain software that they use, but I do not want them to have the rights to install the software without me knowing about it. Is this possible with Policies? I know this has several questions in one post but can someone expain or point me to a good web site for a novice administrator to explain this. Thanks.
Answer : Group Policies
OK great! I hadn't discovered that problem before...all of my users are directly in the OU.
I believe that the GPO is set based on the actual location of the user object. In this case, the user object itself was not in the OU. Seems weird, I know....
Anyway, a user object can only be in one place at a time, but GPO settings are also inherited. So, I have some GPO settings at the domain level - all users get that. Then I have a couple of OUs that have additional GPO settings. You could create nests of OUs to give certain groups settings, and then subgroups additional settings.
Actually, here's a link that describes this very well - and then talks about using security settings within a GPO to limit it to certain groups. The article refers to software packages, but it should work for other GPO settings as well. Have a look: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=302430