Question : How to make Windows server 2003 Active Directory work with Linksys WLAN

I have a small size Wireless network which I used with my VSAT connection till date. I encounter a challenge when my organization decides to install WIndows 2003 server software on one of the desktop computers so users can connect to it and access database information. I realised I need to configure Active directory and make the engine a domain server. I encountered problems trying to make it work with the existing Wireless LAN that uses Linksys Router and this router has DHCP activated on it. ANd if I am to configure AD I need to allocated static IP to the machine. I tried all I could but things are not just working.  Need help. Please.

Answer : How to make Windows server 2003 Active Directory work with Linksys WLAN

I am here should you need any further assistance.
The alternative configuration will only be used if the DHCP service us unavailable.

To do this you will need to either stop the DHCP services on the server or shut it down (if you want to test for server unavailability)

You will then need to either perform a reboot on the computer so that it doesn't pick up a DHCP address or run the following command from a command prompt: ipconfig /release
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