Question : Permeant Dialup PPP Connection

I am tying to get a reliable automatic dial to an ISP working under NT4.0 SP1.  I still have not been able to achieve this.
This is where I'm at :

The objective is to have Windows NT dial an ISP when booted, with no user interaction and establish a PPP link.  If the link fails for any reason it must re-dial and be re-established the link without user interaction.

I have set this up in the following manner;

* Created a RAS phone book entry to dial and login to the ISP.
* Set "Re-Dial on Link Failure" in the entry.
* Created a service to start the "DIALER"  using SRVANY.EXE.  I have tried Microsoft's RASDIAL & RASPHONE and a 3rd Party dialer called RAS32
all with the same result.

This all works fine if you are logged in and you start the service manually.  It will re-dial on failure and re-connect 100% of the time.

However if you then logout, the line will drop and NT will not re-dial the ISP.

If I set the service to start automatically and re-boot, the service will start and connect to the ISP, as long as a connection is established the first time ( it will not re-dial if there is a fault on the initial connect).  Also if a connection is made on the first attempt, if you login on the console then log off the connection will drop and no re-dial will take place.

I found the following in the SRVANY.WRI file that explains why the link drops when you logout;

" For WIN32 Console (i.e. character-mode) applications: when the currently logged-in user is logging-off, all Console applications receive a CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT event from the Console. If your Console application has registered a Console event handler (via SetConsoleCtrlHandler), it must ignore CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT in order  to survive the logoff. "

What I need is a RAS DIALER that will survive a CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT  and will read the "Re-Dial on Link Failure"  setting in the phone book entry.

Answer : Permeant Dialup PPP Connection

I also have gone trhough this struggle.  The easy way I found to solve the problem was to avoid it by configuring Auto Logon for my Server.  Then the server is always logged on.  I put the dialup connection in the Startup Group and have not had any problems since.

If you need info about Auto Logon search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at, or send me email at [email protected]
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