Question : where can i find a list of all TCP / UDP ports used by exchange 2003?

I have a exchange 2003 behind a firewall. I want to be able to use RPC over HTTP, SMTP and active sync with a handheld on this environment.
Where do i find a list of all TCP/UDP ports used?
Is it possible that the ports change automatiqe from time to time ?

Answer : where can i find a list of all TCP / UDP ports used by exchange 2003?

To connect MS Outlook to Exchange through a Firewall you need to do the following,

The following ports must be open

TCP Port 25 SMTP
TCP Port 143 IMAP4

Now the problem is RPC  exchange server do a lot of connections over high port numbers that will be blocked on your firewall, you need to manually configure Exchange to use specific port numbers.

To do this you need to make some registry changed on the exchange box,

NOTE you can use any port number you like (above 1024) for the purpose of this exercise Ill use Ports 1026 to 1029

On the Exchange Box

Start > Run > Regedit {enter}

Navigate to the following keys and create the following entries

Value name: TCP/IP Port
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1026


Value name: TCP/IP NSPI Port
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1027

Now Navigate to

Value name: TCP/IP Port
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1028

Now Navigate to


Value name: TCP/IP
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1029

Now you MUST reboot the Exchange server

Open the following ports on the firewall

TCP 1026, 1027, 1028 and 1029

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