Question : Websphere app server hung threads problem

Is there way to tune WAS hung threads problem occuring all the time when there is a
high I/O load on the system (AIX) during netbackups and system backups.
why WAS and backups can not coexist

Answer : Websphere app server hung threads problem

About what version are we talking?

- Open a command prompt
- "cd" to the AppServer\bin directory
- execute the "versionInfo" script, e.g.,
  > versionInfo
  > ./
- Copy all of the details under the "Installed Product" section here.

- What Operating System version are you using?  5.3?

- There are a number of documents about hung threads on the WAS support "troubleshooting" page
  WAS support:
  & use the "Troubleshoot" link, or simply go to
  WAS troubleshooting:

- Search for "hung threads".  I found 34 hits, many of which are specific to particular operating systems (e.g., AIX and Solaris).

- If you search IBM for "hung threads", there are lots of hits:

Q: why WAS and backups can not coexist?
A: I would guess that file contention issues are occurring (i.e., both WAS and the backup want to access the same file at the same time).
    Do you have any tools, or utilities that can give you information about file contention issues?
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