Question : HTTS issue

Hello all,

We have a Win2k3 64bit domain controller, that when traffic comes in on port 80 (web traffic) our domain controller forwards that traffic over to our web server, which is  We recently purchased a new billing system which requires IIS for our new customer portal.  We have an extra domain that we will be using to forward traffic to that portal.  I want traffic coming in to be forced to use SSL.  So through our domain host I have our domain we are using for the portal sending that traffic to our domain controller, then I have our domain controller forwarding SSL (443) traffic to, which is our billing server.

The problem is I don't think our domain controller is forwarding the traffic.  I have a test page running on and when I go to, I can't reach that page.

What am I missing here?

Answer : HTTS issue


in Secure website addresses, The S in httpS stands for security. Unless you're able to type in httpS:// and get your Secure site, your certificate isn't being utilised and your customers aren't being protected. When I visit the address httpS:// I do NOT get a page at all. This indicates a problem with your certificate configuration/setup/install and the server you're running it on.

Please ensure you've followed the correct procedure to install your purchased certificate onto the IIS version that you're running.

Hope this gives you a lead.


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