Question : How do you code an HTML and text email with hosted images for all clients? Tables break in Hotmail with Firefox.

I am trying to code an an HTML and text email with hosted images that will work in all email clients - using minimal CSS and HTML tables.  The code works in Hotmail (Windows Live Mail) in IE - but if viewed in Hotmail in Firefox the table breaks apart.  I have tried using a background image for the text areas but as soon as any HTML text is added the table breaks. I have a feeling that Firefox is either adding a hidden border or margin, or ignoring height tags. If this is the case and I change widths and heights for Firefox will it display correctly anywhere else? Curiously, if I view the same email in a different email client in Firefox it's perfect.

I've searched the web and read the myriad of articles on email coding - most are no newer than 2008 that I've found and email coding is becoming more challenging every month.  Our client actually uses Lotus Notes so the solution has to be compatible with that as well.

Is there an up-to-date solution to this?


Answer : How do you code an HTML and text email with hosted images for all clients? Tables break in Hotmail with Firefox.

Although this isn't a direct answer to your question in may help.
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