Question : What does the WinsoxFix.exe do ?


1. Some machines have got the Trojan Horse recently,
2. Some machines got the correct IP address, but can not print,
3. The consultant run the WinsoxFix.exe, and the machines are functioning well again.
4. My questions: i) What does this WinsoxFix do ? ii) Somebody knows the detail of this WinsoxFix program ?
5. Note: i am herewith asking 2 questions (not 1 question; and the points will be weighed accordingly)
6. Thank you


Answer : What does the WinsoxFix.exe do ?

This is the info I got from Option Explicit(Software Creators)

Hope this helps.

To Repair Winsock/Tcp in Win9x - Me manually do this:
open Network settings

1.) Remove all protocols or everything EXCEPT leave the NIC Adapter

2.) Click Apply & Close the Properties box, but on reboot notice, hit Cancel...
do not reboot!

3.) Open Regedit and delete these keys:


also ..scroll down delete


close regedit

4.) Open Network Properties again, and Click ADD - PROTOCOL - MicroSoft/TCPIP
**should Add Client for MS Networks Automatically**

Have your Windows CD ready or the CAB files,
Reboot and Should be good.

NOTE: Simply removing the Protocols in Network settings will not work because
those registry entries stay, even if you have no network at all. Once deleted,
putting the TCP/IP protocol back in , basically rebuilds the TCP from scratch,
it is the same as when Windows was first installed clean.
Also any speed patches to TcpRWin values & MTU will be reset back to Windows
Windows 95 may not have all these keys available, just delete whichever ones
are matching this desciption.

Additional Windows 95 info for Trouble Repairing Tcp:
 With the Winsock2 update installed, you may need to have the
Update uninstalled first, if the above process does not work, and you get
errors such as "Tcp not installed" or running "Winipcfg.exe" brings up
"Fatal Error" look for the folder "C:\Windows\ws2bakup". if it exists,
From Run Box type "C:\Windows\ws2bakup\delw2reg.exe addafvxd"
Next Reboot to Dos mode, at C:\> prompt type "cd Windows\ws2bakup"
once at that Directory type "ws2bakup.bat".
When the process is finished, reboot normally and you should be restored to
original winsock/Tcp files. Check for IP and internet Connection, If need be
try the manual fix from this stage.
You would then reinstall the Winsock2 upgrade, once everything is back up
and running.

Windows 2000/XP

 With Windows 2000 and XP, this was not possible, due to the fact that TCP
could not be removed or uninstalled, and even if the Winsock keys in the
registry were deleted, they will recreate themselves, but with no relevant
data, therefore making them useless.
 Some research in this matter, it was found, that these Winsock Registry keys
were not unique to any particular machine.... meaning they could be transplanted
from a working computer, to a broken one.
 Other factors can play a part in successfully restoring these winsock values,
such as disabling the network adapter before the import of the new Registry keys.
Also with Windows XP came the very handy "netsh.exe" with the commandline to
Reset TCP. Although this will reset TCP settings, also removing any tweaks and
other modifications done, it does not touch the registry Winsock keys.
The most common symptom would be a Valid IP address, but no ability to
view any Web pages, as well as the "" IP address symptom and Various
Socket Errors.

Manually Fix:

1.) From the commandline enter the following:

Netsh ip int reset resetlog.txt

2.) These 2 Registry keys will need to be replaced with known good ones.


The "Hosts" file. This file (having no extension) and residing in
 "C:\Windows\Hosts" for Windows 95 - Me versions and
"WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts" for Windows XP. Often this file
(blank by default) can become littered with entries, and again, after the removal
of Third Party Advertising Clients, that were installed as bundled software with many
P2P file Sharing programs, this "Hosts" file retains entries that may be no longer valid.
Generally resulting in some web pages and Domains coming up "Blank".


The Winsockfix Utility will:
1.) Detect your current Operating System
2.) Release the IP address, taking you "Offline"
3.) Reset the TCP stack using Netsh.exe (Windows XP only)
4.) Delete the current Registry TCP and Winsock Values
5.) Import new "Working" Registry Values
6.) Backup any Current "Hosts" file
7.) Replace the "Hosts" file with a default one
8.) Reboot the Computer


No one should rely on "Quick Fixes" to resolve their connection issues, only by taking
responsibilty for the software you allow to be installed, can you protect yourself from
re-occurring problems.
A Google search for information relating to "SpyWare" can usually point you in
the right direction to get information on the Program you wish to install or Try.
Chances are there will be many reviews of it, and you get a feel for the type of program
it is,and what some of the issues with it will be from other peoples opinions.
An understanding of why some programs are "Free" in cost,but you end up paying with
damage to your system settings, Background running Programs, whose only purpose is to
plaque the User with non-stop Pop-up advertising, and an overall drain on system resources.

WinsockFix was written and designed by:
 Option^Explicit Software Solutions
 cc Theron Skryba
 Winnipeg, Manitoba
 Comments email [email protected]

Additional ERD backup Utilities not written or supported by myself are

1.)ERUNT - The Emergency Recovery Utility NT FreeWare Written by Lars Hederer

2.)ERU - Emergency Recovery Utility by Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation
Random Solutions  
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