Question : Force start page in browser to Appropriate Use Policy?
I'm looking for a way to force the first page that is seen by any user opening a browser. I've seen it in hotels, but never been able to figure out how they do it.
I want the first page the browser opens to be our Appropriate Use Policy. I know how to do this through AD, but I want it to work like it would if I walked in off the street into a hotel and plugged in my laptop. How do they force your browser to that start page?
Thanks, RushB
Answer : Force start page in browser to Appropriate Use Policy?
The easiest / cheapest way that I have found to do this is to use m0n0wall http://www.m0n0.ch/wall/downloads.php and configure the captive portal page portion of it. The m0n0wall will need to be used as a firewall, but does not need to do NAT (although it will do it by default). I have this configured for the public sides of our wireless to display an agreement page before users are allowed access. There is a good article here: http://www.tomsnetworking.com/2004/09/29/how_to_monowall_portal/ on how to configure it.
If you need a commercial grade product, I have setup and configured the cisco broad band service manager (BBSM) to do the same thing. This product can be used to connect into hotel billing systems and has a more robust feature set, especially if you are using cisco network hardware. It can be found here: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/netmgtsw/ps533/index.html