Question : how to set up a http or ftp server using windows xp pro

i have windows xp pro and want my computer to be a server for files I have in this computer

here is what i want to do.

I have some pictures and videos i want to be able to view straight from the website or download from a ftp site.

The pictures and videos are stored in D: drive (same hard drive but i keep all pics and videos in another partition)
I would like to have full access to this drive.

I plan to have this computer on constantly and also would like to use the existing programs that comes with the windows xp ie. IIS service program.

I installed IIS on my computer and am clueless as to how to even start..

step by step instruction would be greatly appreciated.

P.S I have a business internet so I am allowed to have my own server with an upload of 1Mbps which i think is plenty for what i want to do with it.

Answer : how to set up a http or ftp server using windows xp pro

skip the noip part of this step by step for websites
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